Steven Brown

This page is dedicated to the memory of Steven Brown, who passed away on Sunday 7th July 2013. Amongst the many things that Steve did in his life, he was a founder member of the ASD and a passionate board member.
John Leonard: "
In Steve's final days, he was looked after at a hospice near his home in Brighton. The hospice is funded in large part by donations, so if you want a way to pay tribute to Steve, his friends and family have started a Just Giving page to allow you to do just that.
You can find the all the information here:
If you're a UK tax payer, you can use Gift Aid to increase the amount you donate by 25%"
Funeral serviceHi Folks, just been talking to Bob, Steve's brother. In case you haven't heard, the funeral will be Downs Crematorium, Bear Road, Brighton BN2 3PL at 2:15 on Tuesday the 23rd of July. Contrary to a post elsewhere, ALL are welcome, Bob said it would be nice for the family to meet all those friends of Steve. There'll be a gathering somewhere afterwards but it's not fixed yet.
John Taylor
Education Development
d&b audiotechnik GmbH
There is a tribute page to Steve on the WSD website
John Leonard has blogged some of his memories and experiences of Steve

Steve talking at the first meeting to form the ASD
"This is a picture of Steve sprawled out on the job during 'The Gatekeeper' a show he designed in our Studio space here at the Royal Exchange in 2011. The quote 'this is what it's like in my flat' "- Dave Norton | Sound Technician | Royal Exchange Theatre
"Another one of the boss hard at work. On his birthday, knowing his love of remote controlled gadgetry we bought him an inflatable remote controlled shark. He spent the day terrorising the building with it"- Dave Norton | Sound Technician | Royal Exchange Theatre
"In one sense [this] encapsulates Steve’s commitment to the best possible
quality he could obtain, in another it does provide a chuckle to those
who remember his battles with Cadac over the S-Digital and its final
resting place in a cupboard at the Royal Exchange!"
- Chris Jordon | Director | Blitz Communications Ltd

Steve with Gregg Fisher at Prague Quadrennial 2007
Tom Hackley

Photos from Karen Lauke
"24 June, 2011, final evening of PQ2011, a quiet moment when there was nothing more to do, listening to a blackbird singing".- Dody Nash

Steve in the Royal Exchange auditorium
- John Leonard
If you have any photos of Steve to add to this page, please email them to